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Batch Cooking

Batch cooking is an effective method of meal preparation where you cook more food... less often. Freezing, fermenting and cooking your food with time means that it stays fresh and edible for longer (if stored correctly) so that you can access it when you're pressed for time.  It enables you to eat healthily and conveniently on a plant-based diet while not reaching for processed, junk options out of lack of preparation. These are the culprits for unhealthy weight gain and something we must all try to avoid for overall good health. Below we outline the main Four aspects of batch cooking to take in mind when preparing your food and how to store it to effectively maintain freshness and quality. Staples...

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There are generally Two categories of people who transition to a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. They consist of: 1. Those who are already slim and fit but want to take their health to the next level and have more energy. 2. Those who are sick with disease and need to make this change in order to reclaim their health and shed weight.   Those who lie in the first category can be more lenient and make a slower transition if needed. These individuals may choose to never convert 100% and only become 90-95% plant based because eating high quality, organic animal produce a few times a month is not so detrimental for their health as those in the second category....

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Getting Started

At Go Healthy, we take inspiration from the Blue Zones. These are the places in the world that have the highest number of centenarians per capita and the Lowest rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. These zones consist of; Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece, and Loma Linda, California.   The lifestyle by which the people in these areas live is 90-95% plant based and has no highly processed or junk food.These people live off the local land, eat whole foods and reserve animal products for special occasions such as feast days and holidays only. We too think that this way of life is the ticket to longevity, a healthy weight and lots of energy....

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Alcohol - What are your options?

Alcohol – What are your options? One of our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’S) is ‘can I drink alcohol when following the Go Healthy approach?’ The answer is yes...of course! We are all about helping you make food and lifestyle decisions that help you live your best life feeling confident in a healthy body you are happy with. If sharing a glass of red wine or spicy margarita with your friends at theweekend helps you relax, enjoy and have fun, then we are all for it.After all, we take much of our inspiration from the Blue Zones where a glass of red wine is the ticket to a long, healthy life. However, we don’t only urge people to drink alcohol...

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The Importance of Fiber

Did you know that in Western Countries 95% of adults are not getting the minimal daily recommended intake of fibre in their diets? The recommended daily intake of fibre in adults is 20-25 grams per day for women and 30-38 for men. For children, it is between 19-30 depending on their sex and age. Harvard Health reports that on average, adults in America only eat between 10-15 grams per day. Fibre helps us normalise bowel movements(and make them more comfortable to pass), lose weight, regulate blood sugar levels, reduce blood pressure, reduce inflammation, feed good gut bacteria, increase energy levels, a good mood and keep you feeling fuller for longer! It is essential to the production process of short-chain fatty...

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